Welcome To Eastleighwood
EASTLEIGHWOOD is the Brand-Name of EASTLEIGHWOOD YOUTH FORUM (E.Y.F). It’s a Not-for-Profit, Independent, Youth-Centered, Community-Focused and a Fully-Registered International Non-governmental Organization (NGO). EASTLEIGHWOOD is not affiliated to any Political, Religious or Cultural Institution, but it is a People-Centered and National-Driven Youth-Centered Organization formed to Advocate and Fight for the Very Interest and Well-being of all Communities, regardless of their Race, Religion, Tribe, Cultural and Political Background.
EASTLEIGHWOOD is specifically More So Committed to Creating Peace & Conflicts Resolutions as well as Awareness Campaign/Sensitization Programs/Forums/Initiatives on Peace, Unity & Prosperity for the Horn-of-african Communities, Through Arts, Media, Social Network Platforms and Interactive Forums/Workshops/Programs.This is in View of the Fact that, These Communities One of the World’s Most at-risk populations; Marred by Prolonged Political-Instability, Terrorism, Poverty and Discrimination/Marginalization.
EASTLEIGHWOOD is Transformational Initiative formed by a Group of Somali Youthin Kenya and Somalia. As a Community-Centered and Youth-lead Organization, EASTLEIGHWOOD was formed with the Main Objectives of Creating Peace & Conflicts Resolutions, as well as Creating an Awareness Campaign Programs/Sensitization on Peace, Unity & Prosperity, Through Youth-Lead Forums, Community Workshops/Capacity-Building, Social Network Platforms and through the Main-Stream Media.
Is to become a Dynamic and Innovative Ideal Tool Advocating for Peace, Stability & Development in Africa and Beyond, Through Arts, Media, Social Networks and Interactive Programs/Forums.
Is to Substantially Contribute towards Facilitating the Social-Economic, Political and Cultural Development & Prosperity for the People of Africa, through Advocacy, Capacity-building and Wide stakeholder Partnership with Coordinated Resource Mobilization and Transformation.

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